


Loyola became an autonomous college in 1978. It continues to be an affiliated college of the University of Madras and is autonomous in the sense that it is free to frame its own courses of studies and to adopt innovative methods of teaching and evaluation. The university confers the degrees to the students after passing the examinations held by the college and the name of the college will be indicated in the degree certificate issued by the University of Madras.


•  Restructured curriculum incorporating the recommendations of UGC
•  Students centered syllabus
•  Departments being autonomous to frame needs-based syllabus
•  Wide range of choice in subjects
•  Periodical revision of the syllabus to suit changing educational scenario and industry needs
•  Project based courses from U.G. level
•  Students provided with opportunity to learn additional courses
•  Wide range of electives available for students


•  Freshers trained to cope with studies in English
•  Students being streamed to acquire English language proficiency
•  Improved student-teacher interaction
•  Harnessing Audio-Visual Aids and Internet Resources
•  Conduct of Remedial classes to accompany the academically disadvantaged students
•  Students trained to learn regularly and methodically through Continuous Internal Assessment


•  Semester question papers scrutinized by a Board
•  Double valuation to ensure objective assessment
•  Seminar/assignment/project/viva/quiz as important components of CIA along with written tests
•  Timely publication of results

Knowledge Orientation and Skill Development
•  Academia-industry interaction
•  Fostering problem-solving skills
•  Emphasis on co/extra-curricular activities too
•  Internship as a mandatory component of the curriculum

•  Scope for interaction with other department staff and experts of the field
•  Students and staff exchange programmes

Character Formation
•  Attendance being strictly monitored
•  Well-maintained discipline
•  Mentoring sessions to enable students to feel at home

Support System
•  Important dates announced well in time
•  Decentralized administration to reach staff and students