
Capability Enhancement and Development Schemes

Personal Counselling

Loyola Centre for Counselling. The Centre addresses the needs and problems of the students at their intrapersonal, interpersonal and social levels. Contrary to the belief that counseling is only for the severely mentally disturbed people, it also helps the students to deal with day to day problems, issues, and trauma.

Some of the common issues faced by the students are as follows:
•  Problems in studies like lack of concentration
•  Absenteeism and fear of examination
•  Adjustment to system and coping skills
•  Decision making and lack of self-confidence
•  Lack of self-worth and assertiveness
•  Anxiety and extreme fear
•  Depression and suicidal ideation
•  Addictions of various types
•  Relationship issues
•  Motivation

The various activities of the center include one to one counseling, group counseling and workshop programs .Training sessions and seminars are designed to help the students to get awareness, learn coping skills and achieve all around development towards positive mental health.
Personal Counselling
Year No. of Students Benefitted
2014-15 520
2015-16 268
2016-17 278
2017-18 267
2018-19 282
2019-20 247